Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is happening to America?

One of my favorite blogs, zacheven-esh.com, recently posted an interestingly titled article regarding the current health of the youth of America.  In his article, he posted a video about about a 13 year old kid (from Detroit, I think) that got in trouble in school.

According to the video, the kid was running in the halls and slamming lockers.  He got caught and had the choice to either receive detention or do pushups.  The principle stated that he did approximately 60 pushes, completing 3 sets of 20.  His mother states that he did 100.  Either way, in my opinion, that's not a big deal.  Especially given the fact that he did 3 sets, not 60 straight.

After doing the pushups, apprently the kid started to experience pain in his arm and he was hospitalized with Rhabdomyolysis, or the breakdown of muscles due to over-exhaustion.  Sure, I feel bad that the kid is in the hospital, but this is ridiculous.  60 pushups and you end up in the hospital.  I am with Zach on this one, I think the youth of America is in serious trouble.

I do remember, towards the end of high school, gym slowly becoming a joke, with most of us seniors uninterested in getting sweaty during the day.  But I remember gym as a child being the best part of any day.  Dodgeball, pin dodge, running, floor hockey.  We never danced.  We did the Presidentail Fitness Test every year, sometimes embarassing, but we still did it. 

Today, kids don't throw balls at each other.  They don't play tag because someone got slapped to hard.  Parents are complaining that their children are tired from running in class.  Here's an idea:  Shut Off the PS3 and send the kids outside.

I bet half these kids don't even have "play clothes".  Remember those?

Watch this video: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/region/detroit/13-year-old-boy-hospitalized-for-a-week-after-doing-push-ups-at-school-as-a-punishment and let me know what you think.

The mother is so upset by the fact that her son had to do this.  He's 13, he should be able to do pushups.  If not, guess what, it's your fault!!!

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